Tectonics - Ocean-Ocean Collision

Image cropped - click to view Tectonics - Ocean-Ocean Collision


Illustration of a convergent tectonic plate boundary, where one tectonic plate moves under the other (subduction) as they collide (thrust or reverse faulting). This leads to the formation of mountain ranges and volcanoes along the boundary as the subducting plate melts. This example shows the collision of two oceanic plates.

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Title: Tectonics - Ocean-Ocean Collision

Date: 8 Feb 2024

Medium: 3DS Max, Photoshop

Category: Infographics

Keywords: 3DS_Max, Adobe Photoshop, boundary, convergent boundary, cut-out, cut out, cutout, Earth sciences, geology, geophysics, ocean, subduction, tectonic plates, volcanism, volcano, white background