Martian Hesperian Period

Image cropped - click to view Martian Hesperian Period


Artwork depicting Mars during its Hesperian Period, roughly 3700-3000 million years ago. The period is characterised by extreme volcanism which led to catastrophic flooding. These latter helped carve the extensive outflow channels seen on Mars - wide, long surface features resembling huge rivers and deltas (top right). The canyon Valles Marineris (centre right) was formed during this period, as were the famous Tharsis volcanoes such as Olympus Mons (upper left in this image). This was also a transitional period for Mars, during which it lost much of its atmosphere and surface water, and became colder and dryer than during the previous Noachian Period.

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Title: Martian Hesperian Period

Date: 20 Dec 2024

Medium: Blender, Photoshop

Category: Space

Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, ancient, atmosphere, Blender 3D, Hesperian Period, lakes, Mars, outflow channels, rivers, seas, Solar System, Tharsis, Valles Marineris, volcanism, water