Cosmic Menagerie

  • Image from Book Cosmic Menagerie
  • Image from Book Cosmic Menagerie
  • Image from Book Cosmic Menagerie


My latest book is a creation which I call Cosmic Menagerie. I conceived the idea, wrote it and illustrated it. It is out now.
        The best way to describe Cosmic Menagerie is as a pictorial inventory of the Universe. It offers a unique, up-close look at the stars and many never-before-photographed cosmological phenomena. From tiny stellar corpses to red supergiants, I explain, categorise and illustrate every major type of star, planet, galaxy and nebula. This will be a must-have book for lovers of astronomy and astronomical art, and anyone wondering what lies outside of our planet.


  • Author: Dr Mark A. Garlick
  • Illustrator: Dr Mark A. Garlick
  • My Role: Conception / Author / Illustrator
  • Publisher: Red Lemon Press
  • Date: November 2013
  • Pages: 144 hardback
  • ISBN: 1783420049


Book Cosmic Menagerie