The Universe - A Travel Guide

  • Image from Book The Universe - A Travel Guide
  • Image from Book The Universe - A Travel Guide
  • Image from Book The Universe - A Travel Guide


Let Lonely Planet take you further than ever before with the world's first and only travel guide to the Universe. Developed with the latest data from NASA, we take you from our home on Earth and out into the far reaches of the solar system, then into our neighbouring stars and planetary systems, and finally into the rest of our galaxy and the Universe. I was responsible for authoring the section on exoplanets. The book also features a number of my illustrations, shown in the slideshow above.


  • Author: Various
  • Illustrator: Various
  • My Role: Contributing Author
  • Publisher: Lonely Planet
  • Date: October 2019
  • Pages: 608 hardback
  • ISBN: 1788686365


Book The Universe - A Travel Guide